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Senior health

Senior health, also referred to as geriatrics, is the medical treatment and care of the elderly. Geriatric doctors provide care that pertains to physical and mental disorders and diseases that frequently affect this demographic.

Dependable senior care and wellness services

If you find your health issues require you to get extra in-home help, we have options.

CarePartners, Mission Health's post-acute care provider, helps you live independently at home. Our private duty and all-inclusive care service offers support for seniors in Greater Asheville, North Carolina.

Elder care services and programs

As you age and face health conditions, you may need extra help at home. To that end, our senior care and wellness programs may fit your needs.

Senior health services

It’s hard to know how to best help a person who is aging. We want the best for them, but finding or giving the right care, and getting other resources to help can be difficult, overwhelming and tiring. Pressing concerns may include:

  • How do I make sure medications are well managed?
  • How do I get to all doctor appointments?
  • How do I coordinate needed medical care?
  • How do I keep from being lonely or bored?
  • If I'm caring for a loved one, what do I do if I have to leave them at home alone? Who will look after them and keep them safe?

Your loved one may be able to get the care they need AND remain in the home they love. PACE (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) is a unique kind of care that has helped thousands of seniors continue living in the community.

CarePartners' PACE (Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly) is a unique service that has helped thousands of seniors continue to live independently. The program is for recipients who are age 55 years old or older and need support to remain safely at home. All services, except emergency services, must be authorized by CarePartners PACE, or the participant may be fully liable for the cost of unauthorized services. Some of our services include:

  • Dentistry
  • Emergency services
  • Home care
  • Hospital care
  • Laboratory/X-ray services
  • Meals
  • Medical specialty services
  • Medical transportation
  • Nursing home services
  • Nutritional counseling
  • Occupational therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Prescription drugs
  • Primary care (including doctor and nursing services)
  • Recreational therapy
  • Social services
  • Social work counseling

Our interdisciplinary team of professionals develops and coordinates your care based on your individual needs. Our goal is always to help you remain in your community by keeping you healthy and giving you the best quality of life.

CarePartners PACE eligibility requirements

You may be eligible for CarePartners PACE if you:

  • Are 55 years or older
  • Live within the service areas of Buncombe, Henderson, McDowell, and Transylvania counties (excludes zip codes 28774 and 28749)
  • Meet the North Carolina Nursing Home Level of Care Criteria
  • Are able to safely live in the community at the time of enrollment with PACE services

All CarePartners PACE services are paid for by Medicare and/or Medicaid. If you are worried about a frail elder in the community, and their ability to remain safely at home due to health issues, we may be able to help. Call (828) 213-8442 for more information.

PACE is a program funded by Medicare and Medicaid

Looking for a Location?

Adult daycare services

CarePartners sponsors the Community Alternatives Program for Disabled Adults (CAP-DA), a Medicaid program funded through the Home and Community Based Waiver Services (HCBS). It allows program recipients to remain in or return to a home and community-based setting. The program services Buncombe, Henderson, Macon, Jackson and Transylvania Counties.

An eligible CAP-DA participant should:

  • Be a disabled adult, 18 years and older
  • Be an active Medicaid recipient
  • Be an individual who is determined to require a level of institutional care under the State Medicaid Plan
  • Meet certain financial criteria

Our CAP-DA services include:

  • Financial management
  • In-home aide
  • Meal preparation and delivery
  • Respite services
  • Specialized medical supplies

CarePartners also participates in consumer-directed services. The service allows CAP-DA recipients to serve in the role of employer for their personal care services and can hire their care provider. Additionally, beneficiaries can recruit, hire and supervise their assistant and set a pay rate. Since beneficiaries can hire their care provider, this model allows families and those currently residing in the home to be paid as caregivers. Please call and speak with the case manager for your county or complete the form below.

PACE helped save this patient's life

Hear the incredible story as this story and his wife recount on Mission's PACE helped save his life in a hard time of live.

The Healthy Living Blog

Read our blogs to learn about preventive care and ways you can lead a healthier lifestyle.

Any time is a great time to check on your heart health
March 10, 2025
Michael Chenier, MD
Mission Hospital
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for adults in the United States, but you can do a lot to protect your heart. This is a great time to raise awareness about the symptoms of heart disease, to encourage everyone to adopt heart-healthy habits, and to talk about advancements in the treatment of heart disease.
Any time is a great time to check on your heart health
March 10, 2025
Michael Chenier, MD
Mission Hospital
Heart disease is the leading cause of death for adults in the United States, but you can do a lot to protect your heart. This is a great time to raise awareness about the symptoms of heart disease, to encourage everyone to adopt heart-healthy habits, and to talk about advancements in the treatment of heart disease.
What you should know about measles
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Measles, a virus that was declared eliminated in the U.S. 25 years ago, has returned in several states.
Cold plunge benefits: How to do it safely
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Tayla Holman
Learn about cold plunge benefits, such as muscle recovery and improved circulation, as well as how to take the plunge safely.